Monday, February 23, 2009
It's a Girl!
Congratulations to Christy and Tom on the birth of their beautiful baby girl today! Welcome to the world, Sheemee! :)
Friday, February 20, 2009
Not Your Daughter's Jeans
God bless 'em. Finally stylish, hip and happening, funky-fresh fly jeans that fit real mamas with real curves without looking like the dreaded "Mom Jeans". *shudder*
My love affair with denim began in elementary school. Jordache jeans, anyone? How about not letting anything get between me and my Calvins? I wore my jeans with pride...and to death. Fashion took a back seat once I started having babies. I had wanted to try the designer jeans, Seven for all Mankind, but could never in a million years justify the price. That was, until I tried them on. My sister sent a gift card for Mother's Day a few years ago and that's when I decided the time was right. I bought my first pair of Seven jeans! Their price was totally justified by the reflection I saw in the mirror. Holla!
Eventually, I invested in a second pair. Hey, I am a stay-home parent--I don't spend boatloads of money on work clothes and shoes. Why shouldn't I look and feel fabulous in my daily SAHM attire?
At least that's what I told my husband.
I still love my Sevens, but my new NYDJ jeans are better designed for my post-baby, maturing figure. Let's face it, there's nothing quite as pathetic as a middle-aged woman who refuses to age gracefully. I don't want to look like her, but I don't want to look like her daughter either.
My love affair with denim began in elementary school. Jordache jeans, anyone? How about not letting anything get between me and my Calvins? I wore my jeans with pride...and to death. Fashion took a back seat once I started having babies. I had wanted to try the designer jeans, Seven for all Mankind, but could never in a million years justify the price. That was, until I tried them on. My sister sent a gift card for Mother's Day a few years ago and that's when I decided the time was right. I bought my first pair of Seven jeans! Their price was totally justified by the reflection I saw in the mirror. Holla!
Eventually, I invested in a second pair. Hey, I am a stay-home parent--I don't spend boatloads of money on work clothes and shoes. Why shouldn't I look and feel fabulous in my daily SAHM attire?
At least that's what I told my husband.
I still love my Sevens, but my new NYDJ jeans are better designed for my post-baby, maturing figure. Let's face it, there's nothing quite as pathetic as a middle-aged woman who refuses to age gracefully. I don't want to look like her, but I don't want to look like her daughter either.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Pele the Reluctant

TOPSoccer is a program designed for children with disabilities. Isaiah's physical therapist thought it would give Isaiah an opportunity to work with his walker and build his confidence. Plus he would have the chance to belong to a team ~ he is a very social little guy and kids love him.
I'd love to say Isaiah's first practice was a rousing success. Let's just say Isaiah is now very acquainted with the gymnasium and James got a good workout. He took Daddy by one hand and the program director by the other and proceeded to walk the entire length of the gym and back. He was more interested in the size of the gym, the excited kids, and his freedom than he was in passing drills and trying to score a goal.
The program director told us to keep bringing him back in hopes that he would catch on and continue to enjoy himself. She said sometimes it takes some kids longer to warm up than others. As long as Isaiah is happy and safe, he is welcome to participate.
James better wear sensible shoes next time.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Sweet Dreams Are Made of This...Memory Foam.
It was past time for a new mattress (no snickering, please). James and I decided to spend Presidents' Day weekend researching and trying out mattress. We (and by "we", I mean "I") narrowed down the choices to Serta. But who knew not every mattress place carries Serta. And for the ones that do, they don't stick around for long. Late Sunday evening we ended up at popular bed store here in the Northwest. When the salesguy came over, I asked him if they carry Serta. He said no. And then I asked a question I normally wouldn't have, "Do you know who does?"
Thank goodness this guy (A) didn't kick us out and (B) answered my question honestly. He told us that not only does Sam's Club have the mattress we are looking for, but they were actually having a big promotion. So Monday morning, we loaded up and headed up I-5 to the nearest Sam's Club.
And there we found the perfect set ~ Goldilocks would have been dee-lighted. To waive a delivery fee, James strapped the set to the top of our minivan ~ much to Savannah's dismay ("Everyone is passing us--and they are STARING..."). I reassured her they were all just haters, jealous of our brand new Serta. In reality they were probably staring at me: I was, after all, securing the front tie-down with my hands through the sunroof. James kept telling me to loosen my grip--that I was just providing extra protection ---that he had thoroughly secured it with twine. That didn't stop me from holding on for dear life.
After we got it safely home (we cut off of I-5 half-way home and took the back roads--I know my sister is laughing out loud right now), James stashed our old set in the garage and I helped him place the new set. You should have seen our faces when we set the new mattress on top the new box spring. It was practically eye level. Honest to goodness, our new bed is a good foot taller than our old one. And it's not even the extra plush top. That would have had our noses pressing the ceiling for sure. So now we practically need a step stool to get in and out of the bed. But it sleeps like a dream. And really that's all that matters.
Sweet dreams, everybody.
Thank goodness this guy (A) didn't kick us out and (B) answered my question honestly. He told us that not only does Sam's Club have the mattress we are looking for, but they were actually having a big promotion. So Monday morning, we loaded up and headed up I-5 to the nearest Sam's Club.
And there we found the perfect set ~ Goldilocks would have been dee-lighted. To waive a delivery fee, James strapped the set to the top of our minivan ~ much to Savannah's dismay ("Everyone is passing us--and they are STARING..."). I reassured her they were all just haters, jealous of our brand new Serta. In reality they were probably staring at me: I was, after all, securing the front tie-down with my hands through the sunroof. James kept telling me to loosen my grip--that I was just providing extra protection ---that he had thoroughly secured it with twine. That didn't stop me from holding on for dear life.
After we got it safely home (we cut off of I-5 half-way home and took the back roads--I know my sister is laughing out loud right now), James stashed our old set in the garage and I helped him place the new set. You should have seen our faces when we set the new mattress on top the new box spring. It was practically eye level. Honest to goodness, our new bed is a good foot taller than our old one. And it's not even the extra plush top. That would have had our noses pressing the ceiling for sure. So now we practically need a step stool to get in and out of the bed. But it sleeps like a dream. And really that's all that matters.
Sweet dreams, everybody.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
26 Years in the Making

You can love, hate, or feign indifference about Facebook, but that fact remains that for all of its quirks, its possibilities are astonishing. The fact that I spent Saturday afternoon with a friend I hadn't seen in 26 years is a testament to the powers that be "FB".
After reconnecting on Facebook last month, Elesha flew out to for a wedding this weekend and we planned a meet-up in Seattle. Turns out both of us had been thinking of the other all of this time. She is the same sweet, funny, smart Elesha I knew back in the day. The same Elesha who hosted the best slumber parties. The same Elesha who played Barbies with me for hours. The same Elesha I shared my deepest secrets with. The same Elesha who was the first person to know I had hit puberty, in the very Judy Blume-type way.
To see her again was amazing. Our conversation was easy and smooth--as if we had been talking to each other everyday for the past 20+ years. That's the funny thing about true friendships. They transcend time, age, and life experiences.
And yes, I wore my "Blue's Clue's" shirt. And she didn't mind one bit. :)
Friday, February 13, 2009
Saturday, February 7, 2009
I Shamlove You
James and I don't routinely celebrate Valentine's Day. We are head over heels for each other 365 days of the year. Our wedding anniversary is more special to us. Even then, it doesn't become a big spending frenzy. No gifts we exchange could match the love and affection we have for each other. (Although diamonds come pretty darn close).
James has been riding Cloud 9 ever since he brought home a Harley-Davidson motorcycle 3 years ago and I let him keep it. He works hard, is a wonderful provider, attentive husband and father, responsible rider ~ it makes me happy to see him happy.
But he's still not getting a Blackberry. He has been smitten with the thought ever since he found out our new POTUS was able to keep his. I told him when he becomes the leader of the free world, I'll be first in line to sign him up. Until then, he can continue to reach out on his Sprint flip phone. And if he lets go of the whole Blackberry envy, I might even let him upgrade his present phone package to include texting. Hello, Mr. President!
I went to Target yesterday with no intention of buying a Valentine's gift for James. But then, I saw it. And it was perfect. And I was Shamwowed! And I knew James be Shamhappy! He has wanted to try these for a while and now that is what he will be getting for Valentine's Day: a gift wrapped box of Shamwow! towels. Not only is it the gift that keeps on giving (as long as you never put them in an automatic dryer), but it is something we can both enjoy. Guess whose minivan is going to absolutely sparkle like diamonds this Valentine's day...
Wow! Isn't it romantic?
James has been riding Cloud 9 ever since he brought home a Harley-Davidson motorcycle 3 years ago and I let him keep it. He works hard, is a wonderful provider, attentive husband and father, responsible rider ~ it makes me happy to see him happy.
But he's still not getting a Blackberry. He has been smitten with the thought ever since he found out our new POTUS was able to keep his. I told him when he becomes the leader of the free world, I'll be first in line to sign him up. Until then, he can continue to reach out on his Sprint flip phone. And if he lets go of the whole Blackberry envy, I might even let him upgrade his present phone package to include texting. Hello, Mr. President!
I went to Target yesterday with no intention of buying a Valentine's gift for James. But then, I saw it. And it was perfect. And I was Shamwowed! And I knew James be Shamhappy! He has wanted to try these for a while and now that is what he will be getting for Valentine's Day: a gift wrapped box of Shamwow! towels. Not only is it the gift that keeps on giving (as long as you never put them in an automatic dryer), but it is something we can both enjoy. Guess whose minivan is going to absolutely sparkle like diamonds this Valentine's day...
Wow! Isn't it romantic?
Friday, February 6, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Random Pic. of the Day
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
After much deliberation (mostly in my head), we have decided to let Isaiah take up a sport. He is joining the Tacoma Trolls soccer team! (Not crazy about the name ~ the visual is cracking me up). Isaiah will be able to use his walker to kick some soccer boo-tay. As long as he remembers to stop, turn, hold onto the walker, and resist the urge to pick up the ball--he's going to be a STAR! Heck, he's already a star in my book. His first game is this weekend. You know pictures will follow.
Hey, maybe now I can justify getting that new Canon Rebel.
Hey, maybe now I can justify getting that new Canon Rebel.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
A Year
We've all heard that time heals all wounds. I don't find that to be necessarily true. My perspective is that it's not the amount of time that passes that heals us; it's what we do with that time that makes all the difference. (Actually, that's part me, part Dr. Philism. But I tend to agree).
It's been exactly 1 year since I lost my father. The news that cold February morning took my breath away. One minute I was happily enjoying a waffle; the next minute I was being consoled by my husband. No matter how old you are when you lose a parent, you can't help but feel like a little lost child. I had been there to comfort James through the loss of both of his parents---being on the receiving end made me feel vulnerable.
If the death of my father has done anything, it brought closer an already close relationship with my siblings. During the year following our loss, I have chosen to concentrate on the positive legacy my father left behind. I could stew in the bitter juices of disappointment, but I chose to savor the love I have for my sister, my brother, my children.
My father is gone. But there are glimpses of him in Isaiah's mischievous grin. I see him in Savannah's athletic abilities. I hear him in Mariah's belly laughs. And every time I look into the mirror, I am reminded: my father lives on.
It's been exactly 1 year since I lost my father. The news that cold February morning took my breath away. One minute I was happily enjoying a waffle; the next minute I was being consoled by my husband. No matter how old you are when you lose a parent, you can't help but feel like a little lost child. I had been there to comfort James through the loss of both of his parents---being on the receiving end made me feel vulnerable.
If the death of my father has done anything, it brought closer an already close relationship with my siblings. During the year following our loss, I have chosen to concentrate on the positive legacy my father left behind. I could stew in the bitter juices of disappointment, but I chose to savor the love I have for my sister, my brother, my children.
My father is gone. But there are glimpses of him in Isaiah's mischievous grin. I see him in Savannah's athletic abilities. I hear him in Mariah's belly laughs. And every time I look into the mirror, I am reminded: my father lives on.
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