I could get used to this. Can't say enough about the California sunshine. The weather has been picture perfect since we arrived in Los Angeles yesterday afternoon.
But the one thing I hadn't counted on when we finally arrived was having the worst case of car sickness ever--which isn't the best thing on a vacation that revolves around amusement parks. I have never been prone to motion sickness, so I was totally caught off guard. Thank goodness James and the kids were none worse for the wear. We found a Wal-Greens nearby and the Dramamine seems to have done the trick. I felt human again when I woke up this morning. We spent the whole day at Knotts Berry Farm without incident. The kids had a blast. Even ride-reluctant James enjoyed himself. Isaiah did surprisingly well on the kiddie rides. He especially liked the stage coach with the horses and the train ride. We just finished closing down the place and have a full agenda for Disney tomorrow.
Mariah asked James if we could move here forever. With weather like this, I'm open to the idea.