On one of our Lowe's runs, one plant in particular caught my eye. Not sure of the name, but the leaves were dramatic providing nice contrast and texture to my garden. To my delight, after just a couple of weeks in the garden, it started to sprout buds. Bonus! Had no idea it was a flowering plant! What a perfect photography opportunity--before the buds open and after.
So I snapped this picture a few days ago:

I watered, weeded, and spoke kind words over it in anticipation of the moment when the buds blossomed in all their glory. A moment I would capture forever with my camera.
Instead, this is what stopped me and my watering can dead in our tracks yesterday afternoon.:

Not exactly the "after" picture I was going for. Whatever plant I fell in love with was apparently nothing more than Happy Meal fodder for deer.
I wonder if Lowe's carries masking spray and B.B. guns. 'Cause yeah, it's on.