Today is Day 14. I am relieved to report that Angus is alive, perky, and still a male. The kids are great with him - especially Savannah. Although she still refuses to touch him, she will make sure he has fresh food every morning. She also gives me behavior reports and nap updates. She cuts up kiwi for him and picks the greenest greens for him to nibble. We let him out of the cage every evening to run around in a sectioned off (courtesy of Zay's baby gate) part of the house. He wheets and "popcorns" like a parolee. Mariah supervises his recess and as a result, Angus has grown very fond of her as well. I am surprised at how the little guy has blended in so well with us. But I have to admit, Furry Pet Ownership has been an adjustment...
Recently overheard at my house:
Has anyone seen the hay?
Has anyone seen ANGUS?
But he doesn't want to wear the leash!
Guinea Pig on the loose!
Are those pellets under your bed?
I have never shopped the pet aisle at Target. I have never compared the nutritious properties of different hay. I have never debated the benefits of recycled paper bedding material over wood chips. Shockingly, I enjoy "Guinea Pig Today" as much ~ if not more than ~ "Glamour".
I have also learned:
A red-eyed guinea pig - when the light hits just right - can look possessed.

Isaiah loves Angus, but is also used to being Mommy's only "Mama's Boy"

Just holding Angus can lower my blood pressure

Angus' eyes aren't nearly as creepy with the flash turned OFF

A slumbering Guinea Pig is one of the cutest sights on Earth. Trying to get an actual picture of it is almost impossible. I guess if I my sole purpose for existing was as food for other creatures - I'd be a light sleeper too.