Some of the best things in life are the unexpected things. Case in point ~ this heavy, wet, beautiful Surprise Snow that fell on January 9, 2012
Two weeks into 2012 and I am already convinced this could be the best year. Ever.
Over the course of the past couple of years, I think I had convinced myself that I had invested in a life that now refused a decent return. But the benefits of being faithful and patient were always going to pay off. All I had to do was believe. Keep moving forward. Keep God first in my life. My Season of Sorrow is passing and the time to fulfill my destiny is here.
When I Haven't Been Blogging in 2012, here's what I've been up to:
Washing Clothes. My machine spun its last cycle a few weeks before Christmas. The hair roller and Play-Doh trick clearly not a lasting fix. It went out with a bang. Well, actually more like a zap. I got shocked. So now 2-3 times a week, I schlep over to the laundromat to do a few loads. I have discovered that the 22 minutes it takes the entire wash cycle is just the time I need to do nothing but pray, reflect, meditate, and relax.
Moving. Sometimes we have to take what can be perceived as a step backward to actually step forward. But packing and moving without benefit of the military has been - how should I say this...? "Eyeopening". They say if you want to know who your true friends are, announce either you are moving or need a ride to the airport.
Studying. For the multifaceted "Praxis" pre-professional test. When I pass it, it will take me one step closer to being a certified teacher. The Reading and Writing sections are second nature to me. However, the Math continues to kick my butt.
Reading. Vernice Armour ~ the first African American woman to fly combat missions in the U.S. Marines ~ wrote a book. Zero to Breakthrough is an awesome guide to living life to the fullest. Just the kick in the pants I need to stop making excuses, tap into my God-given talents, and re-ignite my passions.
Blushing. Absolutely no knee-jerk relationship status changes, but it is nice to feel like a girl again.