On a snowy night in Northern Virginia a few weeks ago - a school night no less - I became a Rocker Mom. Through a high school friend, I met the sister of the bass player (Zach Rudulph) for Andy Grammer (if you don't know who Andy Grammer is,
Keep Your Head Up). They were playing to a sold out crowd at a local club and I surprised myself by jumping at the opportunity to go. But not before morphing into a giddy preteen, texting to my mom "can I go, plz?" and asking my friend what she was going to wear. The concert was so much fun. And after 3 or 4 opening acts (I lost track), Andy and the band made their way onto the stage.

One of the highlights of the evening was when a singing Andy jumped off the stage, made his way through the crowd to where we were seated in the VIP section, and gave Zach's mom a bear hug, before diving back into the crowd.

Despite the fact that I clearly needed an epic "Mommy's Night Out" replete with partying like a rock star, there were subtle signs that I might be too old to do this on a regular basis: (A) my ears were still ringing off the hook the next day and (B) I'm not 100% sure why I woke up sore all over.
Ah, but I'm going to keep my head up.